Happy Beer Day: Fun Facts All Around

Happy Beer Day: Fun Facts All Around

Happy Beer Day: Fun Facts All Around

National Beer Day is at the end of the week, and we're celebrating one of our favorite drinks that we'll always know and love. Let's dive into some fun facts about beer, as it is one of the most ancient alcoholic beverages with interesting facts surrounding it. From its humble beginnings in ancient civilizations to the diverse array of flavors and styles available today, beer continues to be a beloved beverage enjoyed by people worldwide.

Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage across the world

Did you know that after water and tea, beer is the third most consumed drink in the world? According to reports, beer consumption increases year on year, and it doesn’t seem likely to decline anytime soon. Although it hasn't yet returned to pre-pandemic levels, it remains beloved by people everywhere. With the beer industry expanding, beer continues to hold its place as one of the most popular beverages worldwide.

Beer is one of the oldest beverages humans have produced

Did you know that beer is likely one of the first fermented beverages ever made? Its history is even documented in ancient Egypt. Additionally, there is evidence suggesting beer production dates back to the pre-pottery Neolithic era, around 8500–5500 BC. By approximately 3500–3100 BC, clear chemical evidence of beer made from barley emerged. It's possible that beer was invented even before cereal farming began.

A starch source is the key determinant of the strength and flavor of beer

The four main ingredients of beer are water, a starch source, brewer's yeast, and hops. The starch source, often referred to as mash ingredients, consists of grains that undergo fermentation during beer production. These grains, typically malted barley but sometimes including other cereals such as wheat or rye, are processed through malting and mashing to extract the sugars necessary for fermentation. These sugars determine both the strength and flavor of the beer, depending on factors such as the duration of fermentation, the brewing method, and the quantity of sugars present.

Beer is measured and assessed by color, by strength and by bitterness

The malt in beer determines its color. Usually, beer is pale in color when brewed with pale malts. However, there are also darker beers made from darker malts and other colorants such as caramel. Beer's strength can vary significantly, typically ranging from 3% to 20% ABV (alcohol by volume). This strength is influenced by factors including the region of production and brewing style. Additionally, beer bitterness is measured on the International Bitterness Units scale (IBU), established through collaboration between the American Society of Brewing Chemists and the European Brewery Convention.

Beer is sometimes referred to as "liquid bread"

Since beer is made from grains and undergoes yeast fermentation, similar to bread, it is often referred to as “liquid bread”. As a result, beer contains nutrients such as magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, biotin, chromium, and B vitamins. Consequently, moderate beer consumption is often associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, improved bone density, and even a decreased risk of kidney stones.

